Unreal Tournament 2004 / Maps / Vehicle CTF / VCTF-Altiplano

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Map Information

Vehicle CTF
March 2009
Producto del efecto invernadero y el derretimiento de los polos, los océanos han cubierto las urbes, el único lugar seguro para vivir es la zona altiplánica ubicada por encima de los 3800 metros de altura sobre el antiguo nivel del mar. Este lugar habitado por pacíficos pueblos aymaras ha debido sucumbir ante la inclemencia del hombre moderno, es el primer encuentro antes del asalto al Lago Chungará.
Product of the greenhouse effect and the melting of the poles, the oceans have covered the cities, the unique sure place to live is the altiplanic zone located over 3800 meters of height on the former level of the sea. This place habited by pacific Aymaras villages should have succumbed before the inclemency of the modern man, is the first encounter before the assault to the Chungará Lake.
12.5 MB

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
Altiplano.ogg 3.6 MB 74bb968748a8f14e359651b61a6fe0979a9d1bbb 1
Altiplano.utx 11.1 MB cd81839f8cb5a9756f3e44911cb5763830f3878c 1
Danielumio_SM2.usx 3.4 MB 54acd44536b0457b3744162407640caee72d34a9 1
Danielumio_Tex2.utx 4.8 MB 58f0afe530d9677a68c62874fa074c280c49d07c 1
VCTF-Altiplano.ut2 8.0 MB c6f14949554371e3890d00068e3007e40a1d4518 1

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  Altiplano OK File is included
  Danielumio_Tex2 OK File is included
  Altiplano OK File is included
  Danielumio_SM2 OK File is included
  Danielumio_Tex2 OK File is included
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