Unreal Tournament 2004 / Maps / Strike Force / SFTDM-Operation-GoldSnake

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Map Information

Strike Force
Operation GoldSnake
November 2004
An unknown terrorists cell has infiltrated this expensive hotel outside of Chicago. They are attempting to assassinate several government VIPs within the facility. The elevators have been shut down so the Strike Force will be able to defeat the terrorists before they have a chance to harm anyone in the building.
3.9 MB

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
KodiakHotelSM.usx 266.7 KB 7e7d7119b48295471a2fc40bc65d75d6507e765c -
KodiakHotelTex.utx 2.1 MB 68a0c4f53b483d29ff12d38eb23b45a73d817985 -
SFTDM-Operation-GoldSnake.ut2 11.4 MB 7bd10ef4dfa2a2de202397115ffae626084104b1 -

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  KodiakHotelTex OK File is included
  SF_FishBulbTexs MISSING File is not included
  ZiGDevMeshSkins MISSING File is not included
  ZiGTextures1 MISSING File is not included
  KodiakHotelSM OK File is included
  KodiakHotelTex OK File is included
  SF_FishBulbMeshes MISSING File is not included
  ZiGCountrySideSm MISSING File is not included
  ZiGFoliageSm MISSING File is not included
  ZiGStMeshes MISSING File is not included
  ZiGTextures1 MISSING File is not included
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