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Map Information

Killing Floor
KF Gothic
February 2008
The calmness of the countryside, but how far has biotics spread? Welcome to your nightmare. You were expected..
11.9 MB

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
Gothic.ogg 6.9 MB 17ab620477c060add2d975c1ad21ea4cfa9fea71 1
KF-GothicV3.ut2 16.3 MB 0165c8ffaf681e0a3b0dabbd5d8531c5e698f426 -

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  Requires Status  
  AmbOutside MISSING File is not included
  KFAdditional MISSING File is not included
  KFAmbientSound MISSING File is not included
  KFChar MISSING File is not included
  KFGrass MISSING File is not included
  KFMod MISSING File is not included
  KFWeaponSound MISSING File is not included
  KillingFloorFlora MISSING File is not included
  KillingFloorLabStatics MISSING File is not included
  KillingFloorLabTextures MISSING File is not included
  KillingFloorManorStatics MISSING File is not included
  KillingFloorManorTextures MISSING File is not included
  KillingFloorOfficeTextures MISSING File is not included
  KillingFloorStatics MISSING File is not included
  KillingFloorTextures MISSING File is not included
  OfficeStatics MISSING File is not included
  PatchSounds MISSING File is not included
  PatchStatics MISSING File is not included
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