Unreal Tournament 2004 / Maps / DeathMatch / DM-Water and Lava Temple

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DM-Water and Lava Temple
The Water and Lava Temple
October 2007
Little is known on how this Water and Lava Temple was built inside of a dormant volcano at the bottom of Lake Oakachobee in Florida...The island encompased the entire lake and was discovered by Link-117, The Universal Warrior himself when he drained the water from the lake and exposed it. He was on a mission to stop Dark Link-117's invasion of Deinosuchus and other giant reptiles...He stopped the giant reptiles here and moved on to other places where they have been sent to terrorize the world. Now the place is open (since Link-117 is allowing the tournament to compete here) and is the one of the biggest tournament arenas ever discovered. This arena could be the wettest, hottest, baddest, and most dangerous one yet...How long will you last in this hazardous temple? Will you emerge victorious? Or will you face defeat?
10.7 MB


Name Release Date (est) File Name File Size
DM-Water and Lava Temple 2006-04 Water_and_Lava_Temple-V5-d.zip 17.7 MB

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
DM-Water and Lava Temple.ut2 30.6 MB 6c9cfe73cce1c7f5c54a894217bf5ed66968db28 -
MP-Magmoor.ogg 3.7 MB d38c192cc2b9d6714abc405156f4c1954329d1fd 1

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