Unreal Tournament 2004 / Maps / DeathMatch / DM-UCBP-Amun-Ra-BetaB


Map Information

May 2014
When the heretic Pharaoh Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten swept away the many gods loved by the Egyptian people and replaced them with the sole god Aten, he was labeled the Heretic King. After his death, all of his monotheist reforms were reversed in favor of the traditional deities of ancient Egypt. Amun was the Egyptian's ultimate god, and he sought to be recognized as such over old deities like Osiris and Horus. He spoke to Amenhotep in a vision which lead to the creation of the city of Akhetaten, and few knew that Aten was just another name for Amun, a god that most Egyptians saw as the ultimate power. After the death of Amenhotep IV, Amun vowed to avenge the slander of Amenhotep's name in the physical plane. Two millennia later, before the Anubian people came to their new home world far away from earth, a temple of respect to Amenhotep and Nefertiti was erected in mere moments by Amun's unimaginable power. The Anubian people were mesmerized when they arrived on their new planet and regarded the temple with the utmost esteem. The temple serves as tribute to the King and Queen who sought to consolidate Egypt under one god, and a warning to those who doubt the one true god of Egypt; Amun-Ra.
8.7 MB

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DM-UCBP-Amun-Ra-BetaB.ut2 31.8 MB 5e70102e3c4801c7265d9e1f7d3737140837cd3c -

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