Unreal Tournament 2004 / Maps / DeathMatch / DM-TitanOutpost


Map Information

Titan Outpost
June 2023
Life on other planets in the solar system has become nothing but a myth at this point, many of them shows us a glimpse of hope that maybe life can be found, one of these glimpses is in the moon Titan. Titan is one of the many moons found in Saturn's orbit. It's one of the biggest moons in the solar system, bigger than our Moon and even Mercury. Titan has been a subject of big interest since the discoveries made by mankind, some people even believe that it might contain life because of its characteristics. Now in the future many outpost have been made trough the solar system and Titan is no different, however this outpost has become obsolete, the technology of today demands a complete reconstruction of the outpost. Liandri however had other plans for this place and acquired it in strange circumstances. Now the old outpost has become an arena for the Grand Tournament, how ironic that once an outpost that was constructed to search for life has become a fortification of mayhem and death...
8.7 MB

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Name Size Hash Also In
DM-TitanOutpost.ut2 6.8 MB 81dd6fa805293044a895949b3e21f782452cc144 -
Mekalopolis.ogg 6.6 MB 33fc8f07f21ca0105219a7f7080e1d369239826b -

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