Unreal Tournament 2004 / Maps / DeathMatch / DM-M2-EgyptianHellX

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Map Information

May 2004
There once was an Egyptian King that went by the name of Warous, which indeed is very strange. However, Warous was very pissed off at just about everybody so he at war with all neighboring civilizations constantly, Hence the name Warous. The king also loved to kick back and watch people fight to the death. Through his violence everyone around hin began to be violent themselves killing who they wanted for no apparent reason, and they were not punished for doing so. This made their civilization and were they lived at Known as Egyptians unholy land...........................After about 5 years of this Unholiness there came a group of unrecognized warriors, they came by the millions. Warous knew it would not be possible to stop or defeat this attack, but he still ordered all of his men to asttack, and he him self went and hid in his chambers. The battle lasted all of 2 minutes at most and Warous could here foot steps coming towards him. The warriors found him anfd took him to their leader. the leader asked him one question: " Who the hell told you to run a place like this and take away our jobs?" The leader happened to be Lucifer himself, Warous was sent to hell for this attempt at ruling the world. Warous was placed in the middle of a b arena nade just for him, and his soul gave power to all the creatures And lighting of this "tomb." His eye was removed and placed upon a Pyramid. One of the leaders told warous this message: "You will forever keep an Eye on EgyptianHell, and you will see all the future fighters come here and be destroyed!!!".............................Now in present day All the fighters or warriors that die come here to fight forever..............................................................This lev level is fun to fight with a couple of freinds, so please enjoy and let me know what you think! :)
11.7 MB

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
C1L4_Cemetery_Music.ogg 4.9 MB 928de73ab12b01f8d40639ddf18bdca1abe80909 1
DM-M2-EgyptianHellX.ut2 20.1 MB 38462d0083dc2a2bde50ec62de6f157dc2f7d139 -

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