Unreal Tournament 2004 / Maps / DeathMatch / DM-)-IK-(-Playground_of_Legends-)

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InfoMap Information

DM-Playground of Legends
June 2012
After the fall of Liandri Corp., elitist from around the world come here to test their skills against the best warriors ever forged. This is Immortal Knightz playground.....THIS IS THE DM-)-IK-(-Playground_of_Legends : Designed Specifically for Zark Elitist! ...........Cheat Free Certification ....
126.4 MB

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
AmbOutside.uax 5.2 MB 92315e2a3380c60eba087ef6a4b466e50b8014ad 35
DevilsOwnArchitecture.utx 14.2 MB 23fc05f19a5b86cfaa5ae6535d419b08986edef6 -
DevilsOwnObjectSkins.utx 2.4 MB 1c5801b3175dfc7332eac87578ce3166708933ec 1
DM-)-IK-(-Playground_of_Legends-).ut2 20.1 MB 2c4a110021eb0e601e49bf6618f01f5bb3126747 -
GenFluid.utx 5.3 MB 5ee9f593826f9099b6a94457e38942cf13c31bf8 42
locohouse.utx 683.3 KB c87e9c2c9193d8c23d329786aaf64591ca408b50 -
locopuyolantern.utx 3.2 KB bb932a8b781baeabf01ebd3a7a224e3042a44175 1
locopuyooutdoor.usx 2.1 MB 103edcfff9d149731ebab5a3b8091ef47bc11d28 1
locopuyotextures.utx 2.2 MB 553d9490e620427119ff54b1531d188d3f54cf00 -
locopuyoweapons.utx 214.1 KB 7ba059cd84d1515839e29b440b79e027d0ee5ded 1
locopuyowoodhouse.utx 5.0 MB 400f7e67801af5a9a3033170d2c3bba691b382b8 1
Rapdwnsnds.uax 599.7 KB c96456c174305787da05ef4fca16a541648f6b76 4
rapdwntex.utx 33.0 MB 7d6e70e7cdf02ef83d31d738ec3799200d59e95b 4
TheLevel.usx 12.9 MB 26ad3c0316cc1bf71c4d47f314dbdc9ea5363a13 -
TheLevel2.usx 4.5 MB 3c13b2892b63bdc6184283d609be0530c9d0ecbe -
TheLevel3.usx 4.8 MB 5e4b38bbcc5ba03bc7abaee290932f76bc51dc8d -
TheLevel4.usx 41.1 KB 78ed27c5f9c6f6ca8e266a40e9216fb567a1417c -
TheLevel5.usx 15.2 MB 4b5969ca47ba4d2c9674007c021c4f59baa98c67 -

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Required Files Required Files

  Requires Status  
  DevilsOwnObjectSkins OK File is included
  AmbOutside OK File is included
  GenFluid OK File is included
  locopuyooutdoor OK File is included
  locopuyotextures OK File is included
  locopuyoweapons OK File is included
  Rapdwnsnds OK File is included
  rapdwntex OK File is included
  TheLevel OK File is included
  TheLevel2 OK File is included
  TheLevel3 OK File is included
  TheLevel4 OK File is included
  TheLevel5 OK File is included
  DevilsOwnArchitecture OK File is included
  DevilsOwnObjectSkins OK File is included
  locohouse OK File is included
  locopuyolantern OK File is included
  locopuyotextures PARTIAL Included file is missing required content
  locopuyoweapons OK File is included
  locopuyowoodhouse OK File is included
  rapdwntex OK File is included
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