Unreal Tournament 2004 / Maps / DeathMatch / DM-{GOD}-BungaloVH

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InfoMap Information

July 2004
Mad Props to the {AKA}Clan! Especially, {aka}{+D0MIN/\T0R+}. This map is a basic layout of thier Beach Party Map from UT99! Thanx to the {GOD}Clan, the Bungalo carries alot of changes and will keep your sniping skillz up to date. The Bungalo has built in low grav, Dammage Reward, Spider Steroids,Quad Jump and WheeledVehicleStunts - Yes, this map has vehicles and should have probably been labeld VDM but, its not. This could also be a good invasion Map. A special Thanx to all the Beta Testers! {GOD}Clan Rocks!!
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Ancient
80% 80% 80% 80% 80% Natural
9.9 MB

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
DM-{GOD}-BungaloVH.ut2 25.3 MB 3e976b5a52426aab40f70c1c435ef547f15fc1ae 2
SpiderSteroids.u 20.4 KB df7b08448878f5c7729192f5294633473ac63121 6
VSOverride.u 2.2 KB bf1981a9644a6159e92f37ef8857f15fdf6c0524 20

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