Unreal Tournament 2004 / Maps / DeathMatch / DM-Coliseum2k4

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InfoMap Information

The Coliseum
June 2004
The Coliseum brings tournament competitors back to their gladiatorial roots. This arena gives players a new environment, new weapons, and...something more. Once you play this map for five minutes, you will realize that your competitors may not be the only thing that is against you. Remember that nothing ever stays the same. Brought to you by the DMC Lab.
40% 40% 40% 40% 40% Industrial
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Egyptian
60% 60% 60% 60% 60% Natural
7.3 MB


Name Release Date (est) File Name File Size
DM-Coliseum2k4 2004-04 dmcoliseum2k4.zip 7.3 MB

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
CalMovementFive.ogg 324.7 KB ea98b2bfd604aed00e4cd9a99aa28d0ee9289fb2 1
CalMovementFour.ogg 504.5 KB 7e64ce1b8167e18be2f8ced43089a4fa8a3a792d 1
CalMovementOne.ogg 506.7 KB 54c9191a01873d0008bdf757058e4f461db36812 1
CalMovementSix.ogg 630.7 KB 50722a8dd97614937a38ae860500432e54656869 1
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DM-Coliseum2k4.ut2 9.2 MB 873679c581cb72b02e8e649de7c31234a52e2797 1

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