Unreal Tournament 2004 / Maps / DeathMatch / DM-CBP2-TelMecoMEX


Map Information

Tel Meco Mex
May 2004
In the outskirts of Mexico City that is now know as the City of the worlds has made a little room for the most famous of all sports in the universe known as Liandri Tournaments. In hopes of the Mexican government to keep people from dying from starvation and the quick depletion of water resources globally they decided to make the Tel Meco Mex water treatment and conservation plant. This Plant has given the last hope to the people of Earth after the famous Skaarj wars left the Earth in famine and completely an utter disorder. Other countries lined up behind Mexico to combat the aftermath when the idea of the Tel Meco Mex water treatment and conservation plant was constructed. Mexico is not the wealthiest of nations anymore, but every nation on Earth is thankful for the helping hand Mexico has given them and its people. These Tel Meco Mex plants only work at half capacity currently. As a part of history in the rejuvenation of the world Mexico's government has become affiliated with the Liandri to open up a small section for battles to the Death, to entertain the people of the City of the Worlds
16.3 MB

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
DespTel_mecoMEXTEX.utx 9.8 MB 909cffeb5aa45ae6bf51eccc5a8c6c476b011d44 20
Desp-TelMecoMex.usx 1.5 MB 71707c6b4b8fa4d3764125de6f4a859fa526d5f3 19
DM-CBP2-TelMecoMEX.ut2 41.7 MB 19c6db38b7664329a6c77dcde297972da71e6491 4
The_Freek.ogg 5.5 MB b20838492d2d527e192da517f99686c2eb33dcf7 3

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  DespTel_mecoMEXTEX OK File is included
  DespTel_mecoMEXTEX OK File is included
  Desp-TelMecoMex OK File is included
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