Unreal Tournament 2004 / Maps / DeathMatch / DM-BoilerRoom

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June 2004
One of the tournaments set designers had a nightmare once. He dreamed about a boiler-room. He met an ugly looking man with a brown hat, red and green colored sweater. His face was terrible burned and he had a glove with knives on its fingers. The man said he used to work in this boilerroom and bring terror up on little girls. The man laughed with un evil sound, holding up a head from a little girl covered with blood. Suddenly the set designer woke up, almost scared to death. The dream felt so real. He remembered the boiler-room so well, that he wanned to have it on the tournaments. He made a full size replica of the room. Real fast it became one of the most populars 1on1 arenas for the tournaments. But the scary thing is that the set designer died three weeks after the first opening night of the BoilerRoom arena, in his sleep with razor cuts all over his body. And after that day tournament players claims they have had nightmares about the very same boiler-room in their sleep. They say the dreams have been so real so they don't know if they really have been on the real arena or in the boiler-room in their dreams when they wake up. So be careful before you enter the BoilerRoom, you might be in a nightmare without knowing it, and you migh never even wake up! Welcome to Prime Time, bitch...
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DM-BoilerRoom.ut2 13.6 MB 8b4ec6380c78c934b8f9822d77fc024e2282f0ec -

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