Unreal Tournament 2004 / Maps / Capture The Flag / CTF-AncientEvil-DCSE


InfoMap Information

Capture The Flag
Ancient Evil DCSE
December 2002
The gigantic forcefield that surrounds this enormous arena was not designed to keep the Tournament's many fans out...Rather it was built by Liandri to keep the ancient evil trapped inside.

The entire area was raised by Liandri Mining's engineering staff and placed high above the planet's surface on two of the column-like micro-moons that float in the atmosphere. It is theorized that the source of the terrible evil emanates from the poisonous waters in the lower pit.

Enter here at your own peril.

You have been warned!
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Industrial
90% 90% 90% 90% 90% Natural
3.3 MB

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Name Size Hash Also In
CTF-AncientEvil-DCSE.ut2 10.8 MB fa6c5bbcf275d705bbe015298a69bb01bb14b340 -

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