Unreal Tournament 2004 / Maps / 1 on 1 / DM-1on1-Spectra

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Map Information

1 on 1
October 2004
The Liandri Corporation is the number one provider of tournament armaments; the wealthiest and largest corporation in the universe. An organization dedicated to pioneering the unimaginable limits of destructive capability. But this was not always so, centuries ago it had begun as a sewage management industry- and this was one of its first and finest facilities, entitled Spectra after its founder and lead engineer. Back then, who would have known that they would have sparked the beginning of a project so vast, that they would later wield weapons never seen before. Weapons capable of shredding the largest man in the twitch of an eye. Capable of breaking the thickest metals and armor at the switch of a trigger, and weapons capable of reminding the poor dumbass you're weilding it at just how much shit they're in...
1.5 MB

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DM-1on1-Spectra.ut2 3.2 MB cbbd48e9fade2c28176851078e2bc39a8479e919 -

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