What is FHI?
The Skaarj are a persistent race, actively seeking and waging war against everyone that crosses their path. Since the development of the Unreal Tournament combat area in 2291, the Liandri Corporation has had a more pressing issue on its hands - namely the declaration of war against the Skaarj and the resources required to facilitate such a bloodthirsty fight. Fraghouse Invasion recreates the minor and major fights that took place during the year-long war between Liandri and the Skaarj race, highlighting several key battles and other events worthy of note.
Fraghouse Invasion (FHI) is a modification (MOD) for Unreal Tournament 2004 (UT2004). FHI takes the stock Invasion gametype and adds several twists, monsters and many other features.
Unlike the Invasion gametype, FHI monsters are spawned at specific locations throughout the map as chosen by the level designer giving the opportunity to create defendable areas and bases. This is the basic change that has always been present throughout development of the mod.
FHI contains a whole array of custom built maps, and a large and varied selection of weapons, items and special pickups. Maps typically focus on the structured defence of an area, such as a building or construction.
Included Game Types (1)
- Fraghouse INV
Included Mutators (31)
- Air Control
- Arena
- BigHead
- BigWheels
- Bonus Combos
- FHI - Health Regenerator
- FHI - Item Respawn Config
- FHI - Monster Speed Multiplier
- Game Speed
- Heavy Vehicles
- InstaGib
- Lightning Guns
- Lightweight Vehicles
- LowGrav
- No Adrenaline
- No SuperWeapons
- Onslaught Weapons
- QuadJump
- Regeneration
- Slow Motion Corpses
- Sniper Rifles
- Species Statistics
- Stunt Vehicles
- Super Berserk
- UDamage Reward
- UT Classic
- UT2003 Style
- UTV2004S
- Vampire
- Vehicle Arena
- Zoom InstaGib
Included Maps (29)




- Coding
- Parser
- Radiosity
- Mapping
- lvlorpheus
- Kaithofis
- Daedalus
- Icedude
- Sound
- Parser
- Modelling
- Kaithofis
- Daedalus
- Radiosity
- Skinning
- Parser
- Kaithofis
- Daedalus
- Radiosity