Unreal Tournament 2003 / Maps / Capture The Flag / CTF-FragFactoryWID

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Map Information

Capture The Flag
Widowmaker's Frag Factory
May 2003
The smell of gun smoke and rancid decay fills the air. This is no new arena, it is the Widowmaker FragFactory. Well known for the countless competitors it has claimed over the years. The fan that once served to help process the air is now a horrific instrument of death. The blood of those who have fallen victim to it left in a pool below it. Blood fountains on the sides are a constant reminder of what waits for those who are not sure footed. Will you add your carcass to the blood pool or rise above the competition to claim victory?
1.2 MB

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Name Size Hash Also In
CTF-FragFactoryWID.ut2 7.1 MB 0f70cc85af570ef5bb5901877bf7f083d0d59252 -
MarrogWID.usx 518.6 KB 70b760b051a9d96fdc849ff11a02165a4c1d27c6 2

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