Rune / Maps / DeathMatch / DM-Labirynth of the Gods

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DM-Labirynth of the Gods
DM-Labirynth of the Gods
April 2001
There have been wars on and off for centuries and the gods are tired of it. They created a labirynth and scattered the weapons around the labirynth. They didn't want the truly powerful weapons to fall into the wrong hands so they hid them in the labirynth. Only the truly powerful warriors will get a hold of these weapons and make it out of the labirynth. The gods thought that just escaping the labirynth wouldn't be to difficult so once out of the labirynth the danger isn't over, yet. They have created traps in teh environment and lures to lure victims into these traps. Some of these traps wouldn't be good enough for the gods to create and then just have the enemy die so they made some traps to let the warriors survive and be stuck for eternity. Only the truly powerful will b able to conquer all challenges with the traps that the gods have created. This is a 1 on 1 and FFA map with several arenas and a fairly large FFA area and a labirynth at the beginning.
2.5 MB

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
Apos.utx 1.1 MB 2481f202be01204fb669a6cac3a49ca78b67befc 4
CTT.utx 876.4 KB f354a096cec4730128c0d563b13a9f066fce0ece 6
DM-Labirynth of the 1.9 MB a14c7b452c2be283bc74a555f348075b54bb9b01 -
MickScenes.utx 1.4 MB 3626cea8cf4873164c20ec54cbe3ae1f771ed3bf -

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