Unreal Tournament 2004 / Mutators / UT2004 RPG v2.2

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UT2004 RPG v2.2
UT2004 with a persistent experience level system, magic weapons, and artifacts.
November 2007
411.9 KB
UT2004 RPG v2.2.zip


Name Release Date (est) File Name File Size
UT2004 RPG 2018-09 UT2004 RPG 2.2.7z 260.7 KB
UT2004 RPG 2019-09 726_ut2004rpg.exe 475.0 KB
UT2004 RPG 2012-01 Ut2004RPG.7z 242.4 KB
UT2004 RPG 2004-07 UT2004RPG12a.zip 312.0 KB
UT2004 RPG 2003-12 UT2004RPGNoUt4mod.zip 310.0 KB


UT2004 RPG
UT2004 with a persistent experience level system, magic weapons, and artifacts.

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
UT2004RPG.u 564.7 KB 0e4b8bab3b0a8ec22a7bd916cd29304277be6f87 2
UTRPGStatics.usx 187.5 KB 6f21f89dbe6b30bd415a4d5014eb726734bf9203 6
UTRPGStatics2.usx 84.1 KB 4546bf5dd8c83de2724427bc1011b0d7daea3a4a 4
UTRPGTextures.utx 292.0 KB 33da1869dc98f02396b05e747d1a71cb81258785 6
UTRPGTextures2.utx 935.0 B e6f1fc3059eeb998e7922f1f7b398b8e8c648ef7 4

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  UTRPGTextures2 OK File is included
  UTRPGTextures OK File is included
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