Unreal Tournament 2004 / Mutators / Super Weapons X

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Mutator Information

Super Weapons X
Play with all available super Weapons X!
September 2005
5.4 MB


Name Release Date (est) File Name File Size
Play with all available Super Weapons X! 2004-04 swx2k4beta.zip 4.2 MB


Super Weapons X
Play with all available super Weapons X!
Black and White Gun X
Black and White Gun X
Magma Gun
Magma Gun
Retro-Plasma Assault Rifle
Retro-Plasma Assault Rifle
Retro-Plasma Sniper Rifle
Retro-Plasma Sniper Rifle
Super Flak Cannon X
Super Flak Cannon X
Super Rocket Launcher X
Super Rocket Launcher X
Super Shock Rifle X
The Super Weapons Super Shock Rifle is back, and it still packs a punch under the right hands. It can chain-combo alt-fire projectiles to end up with a bigger beam after every one, up to 5 times as big. When at its maximum size, and when it hits a wall, the resultant explosion gives off an ion cannon type of explosion, with deadly consequences. But this requires time, skill, and ammo, as the resultant beam drains ammo fast, up to 20 ammo for the linking.
Super Weapons Gattling Gun
Super Weapons Gattling Gun
Super Weapons Ice Gun
The Super Weapons Ice Gun. Shoots ice spikes that can slow down a target. Also shoots huge ice chunks for big damage.
Retro-Plasma Tank
Retro-Plasma Tank

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
RPSRmodel.ukx 447.9 KB d34b9c5ca486113b71285ebeb259cfe40b395c31 1
SWX.u 2.9 MB df350c41b2b46bc121006a3596992fe3dbe42fad -
swx2k4.ut4mod 15.9 MB fbd674dac8f546185660adc1a307a13a6b118f3a -
SWXMeshes.usx 18.8 KB 4a69f2151d063372fe56e02ff7cba7cdb0d4efbb -
SWXtextures.utx 12.3 MB d49697c499150be8bffca69f3074f319ec3e1001 -

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