Unreal / Maps / DeathMatch / DMRoofTops

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8 to 16
May 2004
The Roof Dwellers Live...
80% 80% 80% 80% 80% Industrial
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% City
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Skaarj Tech
14.3 MB

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
AmbCity.uax 628.6 KB e5a82e544d635b6609e73d0010913d2c08a93ff7 46
DMRoofTops.unr 4.8 MB 0ef6d09cf7cfeef0db568942dc3f1d5a08bb725d 1
NETextures.utx 16.1 MB 1e5de64baa0f1aa4874215e4fa02633b5c04ce94 13
Rooftops.utx 348.7 KB b46decc86cdfce3f16181c4e8acca8519230ef84 8
Sniper.utx 694.5 KB 5fd30c12a749c920ae98a3c9443d7663d5230c44 54

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  Requires Status  
  AmbCity OK File is included
  Assualt MISSING File is not included
  city MISSING File is not included
  Indus1 MISSING File is not included
  Indus5 MISSING File is not included
  Metalmys MISSING File is not included
  NETextures OK File is included
  Rooftops OK File is included
  Slums MISSING File is not included
  Sniper OK File is included
  UT MISSING File is not included
  UT1 MISSING File is not included
  UTtech1 MISSING File is not included
  UTTech2 MISSING File is not included
  UTTech4 MISSING File is not included
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