Unreal Tournament 2004 / Maps / Vehicle CTF / VCTF-CrashFlight


InfoMap Information

Vehicle CTF
Crash Flight
January 2009
Two teams, two ships, one valley...

Vehicle CTF version by GreatEmerald

Two scout ships - Skaarj and NEG - had crashed on Na Pali because of the gravitational force none of them knew of. They had to steal the enemy ship's engine cores to power their own ship and ruin the plans of the enemies. This year the Liandri Corporation decided to recreate this battle in a Vehicle Capture The Flag environment.
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Tech
3.9 MB

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Name Size Hash Also In
VCTF-CrashFlight.ut2 14.4 MB 1355d43181c8fd5c73cb90903accaa6a857b2261 -

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