Unreal Tournament 2004 / Maps / Onslaught / ONS-(RTS)RedBluff

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June 2004
This use to be a peaceful place,explained Jeb, the old prospector. The townfolk,here in Red Bluff,lived in harmony with the Chipawha Indians and their neighbors of Dry Gulch. But John (The Skunk) Walker destroyed this peace by taking over the town of Dry Gulch and hogging all the water for himself. This caused a ruckus between the two towns because old Walker made it look like the people of Dry Gulch were getting greedy. The Chipawha now no longer trusted any of us pale faces,So the peaceful life that once was is no longer.
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Natural
16.7 MB

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Name Size Hash Also In
ONS-(RTS)RedBluff.ut2 36.5 MB 8cc6d6c95ece5b041f8fe670d0e272a86ea94fd3 1
western3.ogg 1.6 MB 4b363b213ed0b6fe99565f0875217bfc04dac65e 3

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