Unreal Tournament 2004 / Maps / Onslaught / ONS-Impregnable

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InfoMap Information

August 2004
In the year 2397, Earth, a 270 acre glacier melted from the western coast of what was once South America, leaving behind a mysterious peninsula in its image. On it were soon discovered deposits of a highly valued nanyte compound, and so it was sectioned off by the NEG for mining, then handed to the tournaments for CTF. Unfortunately, the competitors, forced to traverse such tiring distances to the enemy base, didn't make much entertaining gunplay on arrival, and so it was scrapped... until recently. With the addition of vehicular warfare, this has become one of the more gruelling arenas in recent years... shame there's nobody within 70 miles to hear you scream...
90% 90% 90% 90% 90% Tech
7.8 MB

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ONS-Impregnable.ut2 31.1 MB 9462569288fd5d77a8134e75125ecf7dd8ced17c -

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