Maps / Unreal Tournament 2004 / DeathMatch / DM-Pornhouse(Xrated)

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DM-HuTcH-Pornhouse-Beta (XRated version)
December 2005
In a seedy little porno shack in Houston, a bizarre exercise in debauchery between two male humans has resulted in the incidental fusion between various unsanitary fluids and moldy substances, causing a rift in time and space. A portal has been created between this world and the Nymphos 5 galaxy, where an interstellar war has endured for centuries. Fierce alien warriors have unwittingly stumbled through the wormhole. The way back to their galaxy has shut, and they are now trapped in the putrid confines of the porn theatre. None of them know if the gateway will ever open again. But until it does, they refuse to let their enemies wait alongside them.
70% 70% 70% 70% 70% Tech
30% 30% 30% 30% 30% City
25.0 MB

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Name Size Hash Also In
DM-Pornhouse(Xrated).ut2 39.2 MB 4e8f09a2734be8edf64fdb22d7e1198fe2ff5ba9 -

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