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Bombing Run
The Cage
March 2006
Located in the industrialized planet of Tigun, this big old rusty arena once used to be a great deathmatch-event. Because of it's shape it was ideal for one on one battles and the many entrances from the conecting storage and dressingrooms gave the competators the ability to make stylish entrances. Unfortunately the owner of the establishment went bankrubt and the arena was sold and turned into a warehouse. Though the renovation the arena didn't change mutch and the infamous text in the dressingrooms was untouched. A few years went and the latest owner also went short on cash. Ironically the previous owner had gotten back on his feet again and bought the arena back. He had too small funds to get it back in bussiness but he knew that Liandri Corp was interested in purchasing it. After some agreements the owner drove away with a transportvehicle full of cash and the new owner started to renovate their new investment. Some of the supplies were left from the arena's warehousedays but Liandri decided too keep them. New lights and other necessary equipment were installed and the killing started once more, to a well paying crowd, in the arena were there is no escape...
90% 90% 90% 90% 90% Industrial
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Ancient
4.6 MB

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