Maps / Unreal Tournament 2004 / 1 on 1 / DM-1on1-Storehouse

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1 on 1
June 2005
Team Inevitable Presents: The hidden Storehouse of Inevitability, previously used by the L.O.F.T (Local Orbital Freight Transport) Group for the covert storage of large amounts of interstellar cargo, vanished during the Humanoid Army raids on the 3rd and 6th dimensions. When the raids ended in 2380, the storehouse was rediscovered in the vicinity of an 11th dimensional hole that had torn open in known space - a repercussion of the multi dimensional war. By conincidence it appeared in perfect alignnment with the iFullTower, Liandri's ultimate gaming arena.
80% 80% 80% 80% 80% Industrial
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Egyptian
5.9 MB

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
DM-1on1-Storehouse.ut2 14.8 MB 802c3a5dc5a0add74cb212a16dc1e46ed7b1257e -
Storehouse.ogg 867.7 KB 43cd5ba755149bacf9a97483804e6f89d306b3ff -

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