Unreal Tournament / Map Packs / Mixed / FeralNostalgiaPack

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Map Pack Information

October 2008
63.1 MB


Name Title Author
CTF-{W}Perdition Perdition - Somewhere in Hell %xXx (development)/CandyMan (request)
CTF-{WINGS}Perdition Perdition - Somewhere in Hell %xXx (development)/CandyMan (request)
CTF-BattleForIceNFire Battle for Ice and Fire Feralidragon
CTF-DarkVSLight[fix_m] Dark vs Light Feralidragon
CTF-InversalStation .Inversal Station - The warp space lab station Feralidragon
CTF-Kosov_][ Kosov on the Sky 'Chefe' Cl�udio Lu�s
CTF-LavaGiant2 LavaGiant II Chefe
CTF-Mysis -= Mysis =- Multi and {WINGS}xXx
CTF-Mysis[RX] -= Mysis =- (Special RX) Multi and {WINGS}xXx
CTF-PencusColossus /Big Nose Josh Space Station, "Pencus Colossus" %Chefe, a.k.a. "xXx" and "tutano2004"
CTF-SimpleSnow CTF-SimpleSnow Unknown
DM-48SC-InversalLiandri Inversal Liandri Feralidragon
DM-Nali_Island DM-Nali_Island Unknown
DM-Nali_IslandSE DM-Nali_IslandSE Unknown

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
a3text.utx 2.3 MB 70be497ae27c4d1c0bd5283c6c72c4ecee918aa3 239
ConcreteLucifer.umx 10.8 MB a94f721f29c36f98f49e3663430a5e25b6c0c310 3
CSMCXExtras.u 2.2 MB c57ebc6e412c586b304c078be9e93e5e790ef11c 23
CTF-{W}Perdition.unr 5.3 MB d8c23a01c7ee4b136d505b79335b89a640c85e46 2
CTF-{WINGS}Perdition.unr 5.4 MB 4a5e2138b5483a5faf6e5ba1387d7ef3483cfc8d 2
CTF-BattleForIceNFire.unr 5.6 MB b2ceb6fde9fc20bad8032e06035e890c18fe247d 3
CTF-DarkVSLight[fix_m].unr 3.8 MB cdfe2e7db61074b0412df8dc5becaea563f9dda2 1
CTF-InversalStation.unr 5.4 MB e6b8ff8dca58b991ac1ed8f8f5ba0d649f0c8f4e 1
CTF-Kosov_][.unr 5.3 MB 091fe8059c97b2fbf63ffb1b142e3b2ad2e7f455 1
CTF-LavaGiant2.unr 4.0 MB e09d0cc554ff131031a83c9eef28f249a38db4f3 1
CTF-Mysis.unr 5.5 MB 39697d07197e48829dd0db918c9039e12caf9400 3
CTF-Mysis[RX].unr 5.6 MB 4389957c1908e4b7819886c78eabb33671c0db1b 1
CTF-PencusColossus.unr 3.1 MB 14411297c1fa01ffa52e7d40a2dd12afba677134 1
CTF-SimpleSnow.unr 2.8 MB 0a1ffc184342ddca8ce1248e1d5345825bd01c20 1
Dark.u 1.3 MB cb9d82c6001edaecda155c3f78fdd087b3c7c924 2
DiabloFade.umx 1.8 MB 901971fd6aaa2bd25bf1f11cae2c50ad6b5933c0 21
DM-48SC-InversalLiandri.unr 24.2 MB c8a2f86b4c8b895e9fc329e6945fd443f2ba624f 3
DM-Nali_Island.unr 1.2 MB 9d314cb305104e9d7f40ef3bc068ea082e578011 1
DM-Nali_IslandSE.unr 1.3 MB 0b75c07496341a61b3a5dad553e5c480c2ef0b91 1
EgptRX.utx 7.8 MB b49bd02cd64123a2614031118e2a57338555b1d9 3
EgyptRXDeco.u 417.4 KB 2fc7ccc08325674ea34049b73616ea6425936165 6
ElementRifles.u 17.0 KB e1383f39bddc6e00410664a652ceb7ea62e0271a 3
ElementRiflesGFX.utx 173.6 KB 47e58f9c2eb3452f020ff7ee5a427c0726bc1d5e 3
Evil-Lair-5.utx 7.6 MB aab9019b5567bedba5c07cb4bc30df0eaf0ebf5e 5
Evil-Lair-6.utx 7.2 MB 1d5384cd684bfd9d5272f2be5b5eab1606f5dd93 11
Factory.utx 545.2 KB 007039530743b793462de39f2abe83fd5193df4c 269
Gothic.u 12.8 MB c0c645d116146a17243979ea7328c2385bf6fa6e 3
Lavagiant2_Items.utx 2.3 MB 43c1aa5cb6f272904602581c0b12594d0b32e171 1
PickUpBaseJrm01.u 3.6 MB 5c104dfcbfe401936ccfa5e3389cf7011796e697 18
SimpleSnowTx.utx 3.8 KB 5a72451013b1ee85c6510603b69959f293ae903f 1
TheViperPit.umx 2.9 MB e700dc7d814737ba41c74208f144217a5f2d96e2 3
UT_Kosov2_Items.utx 17.8 MB bc06325ba39b86ecfa25514828749b1a6edfe81b 1
UT_NaliIsland_Items.utx 51.1 KB 085f87535e0647f62e8bb9b28b7197c3f08c5879 1
utend.umx 1.4 MB f8f00031e8b30670de2d36c3df8fd68cc9574a71 57
WINGS_TX.utx 5.8 MB 98c6323f66bc1abcf7494e6fb7084a1138557dce 3
XInversalIndus.u 695.2 KB 2e26dbec412399b9d447d1a627afbaadb0f4c2b8 1
ZAN_MET.umx 1.3 MB 5b36f26014eb39e4a32fbd2b719dece01d8355d1 55

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Required Files

  Requires Status  
  ConcreteLucifer OK File is included
  Gothic OK File is included
  WINGS_TX OK File is included
  ConcreteLucifer OK File is included
  Gothic OK File is included
  WINGS_TX OK File is included
  ElementRifles OK File is included
  SGTech1 MISSING File is not included
  ZAN_MET OK File is included
  Dark OK File is included
  DiabloFade OK File is included
  Evil-Lair-5 OK File is included
  Evil-Lair-6 OK File is included
  utend OK File is included
  XInversalIndus OK File is included
  UT_Kosov2_Items OK File is included
  Apocalypse MISSING File is not included
  chaossounds2 MISSING File is not included
  ChaosUT MISSING File is not included
  Factory OK File is included
  FlakMine MISSING File is not included
  Lavagiant2_Items OK File is included
  PickUpBaseJrm01 OK File is included
  SGTech1 MISSING File is not included
  EgptRX OK File is included
  EgyptRXDeco OK File is included
  TheViperPit OK File is included
  EgptRX OK File is included
  EgyptRXDeco OK File is included
  TheViperPit OK File is included
  a3text OK File is included
  Factory OK File is included
  PickUpBaseJrm01 OK File is included
  SGTech1 MISSING File is not included
  SimpleSnowTx OK File is included
  CSMCXExtras OK File is included
  UT_NaliIsland_Items OK File is included
  UT_NaliIsland_Items OK File is included
  ElementRiflesGFX OK File is included
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