Unreal Tournament / Map Packs / Mixed / Cwl Maptestingpack Wk65

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InfoMap Pack Information

Cwl Maptestingpack Wk65
September 2007
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Nali Temple
30% 30% 30% 30% 30% Tech
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Industrial
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Ancient
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Egyptian
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Nali Castle
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Skaarj Tech
17.2 MB


Name Title Author
CTF-FlyThroughTheW00t SkyW00t Daniel 'Rakiayn' Geurts
CTF-Gateways Gateways John Paul 'Decker' Jones
CTF-HallsofMCS-Insta-LoGrav Halls OF MCS InstaGib Version Sean "Wolverine" Almeida
CTF-UPbg-MonopolySauce-v3 UPbg-MonopolySauce tarnationsauce2
CTF-Volatile Volatile Derek "HellFire"
JB-12-Cubes The 12 Cubes Esko 'Varpu' Ilola
JB-Antipody][ Antipodean Worlds II Cory 'SpoonDog' Spooner / David Catmull

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
Blank.umx 481.0 B 45ee888578fcfba57eeed5147d916e7da8ab9567 27
CTF-FlyThroughTheW00t.unr 4.0 MB 4bb11f418af8ca405a4d8fd7f1307da54b1edbc5 2
CTF-Gateways.unr 968.4 KB bceb6436e1f489552bcd220d2d3eb603c9ba6b3c 3
CTF-HallsofMCS-Insta-LoGrav.unr 895.8 KB 6bfa3358f09bb09523a9a2d28f99592248274967 1
CTF-UPbg-MonopolySauce-v3.unr 4.7 MB 4b566b7fab2413b055bd2539b98eea157509f00d 1
CTF-Volatile.unr 1.7 MB a0e22da433b7449f5e3cf8f2c28a7298b68ebed6 1
DavidMSkysmall.utx 303.4 KB f85ac647bbfa2231070ecb697250c75c051b48d4 3
Disease.u 10.5 KB da7165e87f571c8d05422e449b7b3cf7a67f72b3 5
EVI-KardioGraph.utx 1.3 MB 2a7d789a4d4b2877a7d1aaf06068e85d14e2c091 2
gateways.umx 1001.6 KB d5336d997f7406403ffda19c8f83d6091a4ff9a2 41
JB-12-Cubes.unr 8.8 MB df822d9c4ff2301e31390da033b3c972bb4748b5 2
JB-Antipody][.unr 4.3 MB 402051341e6bb634096719d77b798e5840e48280 5
lanternes.u 163.5 KB 6a993103b153c080cbcd8fd98ae0e961408982e7 3
Neve.umx 688.0 KB 4f1fbaa2f96569f57e5d2a4d3b2e04bcc47b6303 72
SF_lab01.utx 1.7 MB b15fe32a8423abfc2f0ac231def10a178199137a 5
sf_large_1.utx 4.1 MB 29830f7d8800e8d4d45a0faf87eea3d555a317eb 3
sf_office.utx 3.4 MB 73de6c462e7cfbbad8e581da7dc0b6aec3fa6785 8

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Required Files Required Files

  Requires Status  
  swJumpPad MISSING File is not included
  gateways OK File is included
  SGTech1 MISSING File is not included
  Blank OK File is included
  DavidMSkysmall OK File is included
  Disease OK File is included
  EVI-KardioGraph OK File is included
  JailBreak MISSING File is not included
  JBArena MISSING File is not included
  JBSpecials MISSING File is not included
  lanternes OK File is included
  SF_lab01 OK File is included
  sf_large_1 OK File is included
  sf_office OK File is included
  SGTech1 MISSING File is not included
  JailBreak MISSING File is not included
  JBArena MISSING File is not included
  JBSpecials MISSING File is not included
  Neve OK File is included
  Screen MISSING File is not included
  ScriptedScreen MISSING File is not included
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