Unreal / Map Packs / Mixed / Rtnp 225

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InfoMap Pack Information

Rtnp 225
May 2005
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Nali Temple
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Tech
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Ancient
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Natural
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Nali Castle
30% 30% 30% 30% 30% Skaarj Tech
46.2 MB


Name Release Date (est) File Name File Size
RTNP 225 2000-08 RTNP-225.zip 41.6 MB


Name Title Author
Abyss225 Gala's Peak Nivlek
Crashsite1225 UMS Prometheus Matthias Worch
Crashsite2225 Inside UMS Prometheus Matthias Worch
Crashsite225 Approaching UMS Prometheus Matthias Worch
DuskFalls225 Edge of Na Pali Nivlek
Eldora225 The Eldora Well Nivlek
Foundry225 Foundry Tarydium Plant Cliff Bleszinski
Glacena225 Watcher of the Skies Nivlek
Glathriel1225 Glathriel Village Matthias Worch
Glathriel2225 Glathriel Village Matthias Worch
Nagomi225 Nagomi Passage Pancho/Nivlek
NagomiSun225 Nagomi Passage Pancho/Nivlek
NaliC2225 Escape from Na Pali Nivlek
Nevec225 Neve's Crossing Nivlek
Spireland225 Spire Valley Nivlek/Pancho
Toxic225 Bounds of Foundry Cliff Bleszinski
Velora225 Velora Temple Shane Caudle

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
Abyss225.unr 1.6 MB 1b3648fe71376472cf05682aff434d21ed1f1d87 1
Castle1.utx 4.3 MB 4290e57d2b029dba45fbba6a127f08e55b1f49b0 21
Crashsite1225.unr 9.2 MB ebf26676a3453bedd2b6ef376b3b8e89cf6fad6a 1
Crashsite2225.unr 6.8 MB 41c72c01f5c8b487d31b6ad67b3d639e936c1bb3 1
Crashsite225.unr 3.4 MB cef68b66ff112173c6f27b3eaf64fb0acff64918 1
DCSpecials2Tex.utx 87.4 KB 009015612488c604ab9b75feeb723d66d52d88c5 1
DCSpecials3.u 485.2 KB f6de6434384b0a4f9365c7ae46b643eb492efd5a 1
Dprojectile1.u 1.5 KB 947f6cc66bd3d091e4eed1c357329631ccf75430 1
DuskFalls225.unr 4.0 MB 194c9a8b30db6e85afa6d70dee46c6a4429e899c 1
Eldora225.unr 3.0 MB edc96816f7bfd1cb8354c4640419b2cf3e88f6ec 1
Found99.umx 692.0 KB 1a872cb5ef70d326535354016fdbfa1095e4d919 19
Foundry225.unr 8.2 MB debde4cbaf8a30b021517357481bc8c908003110 1
Glacena225.unr 447.2 KB 4ab697353dbb61fd804f4a262deee96bd06f4fb3 1
Glathriel1225.unr 2.7 MB 1fa1cf9bbc843c0038a385959dc21e8ad640a82f 1
Glathriel2225.unr 6.8 MB cf3b20fa98e3995dc5eb6cb046b5aa81eb06553e 1
Interm1.uax 1.0 MB 0a2b7da7526ad3e0a790d5da1789d7d5852c4e6a 1
Interm10.uax 749.8 KB 1e452eee75e122818e53da5c3758e4fc14304f41 1
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Interm13.uax 1.0 MB 514db946a577dd4409160a3b72da161caa7852e1 1
Interm14.uax 1.6 MB 4b434134378fd5790f95f6c82be9f4ddc72d9678 1
Interm2.uax 1.1 MB 8ac9cf5f2b99c83ddb9d5d9ca5f45dd271fa41c1 1
Interm3.uax 875.6 KB d424130b0a794313116b9e0b1485cf15dce7dff7 1
Interm4.uax 1002.3 KB 9621bc29082f04c61e8b8173fe2136d71f2acb1a 1
Interm5.uax 5.7 MB e407b917f9645557bf2d4307c600282751d1b504 2
Interm6.uax 203.3 KB 6d544de14e284595e9bbf72fc8b120bf5522bf96 1
Interm7.uax 370.0 KB 5f45deac66fccdf6c6ed859e969a07dcaab14cf3 1
Interm8.uax 862.9 KB 06a542ebaebb9b783f824834fa3e2dab6272bef7 1
Interm9.uax 547.1 KB c46e15f99a802b2ffcef05d127879007409e8b9b 1
IntroSnd2.uax 4.3 MB f2e99e7b6b612c02be5dd6202f00d5f5cf864db9 1
Langs.utx 2.8 MB 46a24505e8565769694f0fa4deb05e71c6ebbc9f 10
Marine.uax 1.6 MB c512729e25ed1a6793c9496cf2d2d092b82aaff6 33
Nagomi225.unr 1.0 MB f39c83295bc4dbc009dfca8ec361d252281588f4 1
NagomiSun225.unr 1.0 MB 43b04f6f06c343dbd2e5aaa37d9e2ed020644e0e 1
NaliC2225.unr 2.9 MB c501f2dd25e24f9ec9fae36c29b11b96bb68a63f 1
Neve.umx 688.0 KB 4f1fbaa2f96569f57e5d2a4d3b2e04bcc47b6303 72
Nevec225.unr 1.2 MB 8a9d5577dbd86df59cad24c9501897ec6d23ef5d 1
Sacred.umx 620.6 KB cafce88d215fbb6f0c723477f918a73a777c8e89 39
Scout.uax 102.4 KB 87a66850d9e972a49294ead97d3927d65bb718ce 7
SpaceMarines.umx 466.8 KB b685b6d1a4491789da8d836372517ec9768fcfa0 36
Spireland225.unr 2.2 MB 5bea1b55cbd4c4aaa49fa2d42abb47fa84c208b1 1
Toxic225.unr 6.4 MB d6966b556c45f8a0c8c87388045aafdff4d415d3 -
Twilight.umx 1.1 MB 2b3dcc381003e8a0114411b7f511342a4300ce18 19
UnrealPak.u 33.1 KB 013c88bf1917920b7c7751171640787b47412be9 1
Velora225.unr 3.6 MB 8bd04861601c34e51159778bdc2ab7b176c2d20d 1

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