Unreal Tournament 2004 / Maps / Bombing Run / BR-SubOrbitalPlatformTrials

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Map Information

Bombing Run
BR-Sub-Orbital Platform Trials
June 2003
This Sub-Orbital Platform was created for Advanced Comunications Relay and was just somehow placed over an active volcano. Most of the crew were mysteriosly pushed off the platform by someone who looked like a Heks(Witch) on a broom! To prevent the loss of the platform Liandri put concrete walls to prevent the last remaining construction crew from disabling the anti-grav generators in the middle section by the solar panels!Somehow the concrete walls were broken but no one could be blamed since all the remaining costruction crew were evacuated to the orbiting construction ship! Instead of scraping the platform Liandri decided to begin the Sub-Orbital Platform Trials on the platform to see if Liandri could recoup the money spent on this platform by converting it into an arena for billions to watch! Good Luck and watch your step or you'll be Toast!Also watchout the facilities let the rain through!
384.6 KB

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BR-SubOrbitalPlatformTrials.ut2 2.6 MB 34d4a944cfef56d805aef4b1412328cb659fd607 -

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